Отзыв о моей работе в проекте SUNY/CD RF

Отзыв на английском языке от Центра Международного Развития (CID) при Рокфеллер Колледже (RF) Университета Албани, Государственный Университет Нью-Йорка (SUNY). Если кратко, в этом проекте мне выпала честь поработать в качестве консультанта и тренера в период с марта 2017 по 2019 гг. в программе Поддержки управления общественными финансами Таджикистана, финансируемой DfID. В этой роли я разработал и провел ряд тренингов и консультативных сессий с представителями организаций гражданского общества по разработке и управлению проектами в сфере бюджетной адвокации (совместно с техническим экспертом).     

September 15, 2018


To Whom It May Concern:


On behalf of the State University of New York Center for International Development (SUNY/CID), I am very pleased to provide a certification of employment for Mr. Khaidar Ualy. Mr. Ualy has served as SUNY/CID’s Senior International Capacity-Building Expert for the Support to Public Financial Management (PFM) in Tajikistan Programme funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) through the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation/Tajikistan from March 2017 through June 2018 (158 work days). We anticipate using Mr. Ualy to perform additional work on this award again in November-December 2018.   


Mr. Ualy created and delivered three four-module training cycles for representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Tajikistan during this period. (A total of 82 CSO representatives participated in the three cycles, with participants in each cycle having very diverse backgrounds and experience levels.) Mr. Ualy also designed and delivered a training-of-trainers (ToT) seminar for participants from each cycle. Although the “classroom” training time was 15 days for each cycle (45 days), the total number of days for the assignment was considerably higher, and required that he create the curriculum for most of the sessions, revise it during and after each cycle to ensure the materials met the needs of the participants, provide virtual consulting following the trainings, and draft detailed reports. 


More specifically, Mr. Ualy:  adapted International Budget Partnership materials, including case studies, to the Tajikistan context and developed practical exercises; worked with the senior subject matter expert to compose training agendas and training modules; developed and delivered the budget advocacy project management component of the training modules; created and conducted the majority of the practical exercises and group work; consulted with participants on their practical assignments (action planning and training agendas) to prepare them for future funding opportunities; developed and administered a training assessment tool in Excel (pre & post testing).


It was a real pleasure to work with Mr. Ualy, whose incredibly strong work ethic, professionalism, easy-going demeanor, and fluency in English and Russian contributed significantly to the success of our work. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information or clarification.


Kind regards,


Lisa Petter, Senior Associate

State University of New York Center for International Development (SUNY/CID)

Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy

ALS - 2 Notre Dame Drive, 2000 Bldg. – 3rd Floor, Room 324, Albany, NY 12208

Direct: +1.518.443.5077; Main: +1.518.443.5124


Лучше сделать и раскаяться, чем не сделать и сожалеть

Михаил Веллер